Top Countries for Retirement - Part 1!
Just what are the top 10 countries for retirement? According to more and more senior citizens are pushing well past the once typical retirement age of 65, and not retiring until they hit 70. In the mean time the next generation of millennials are working hard with very little outgoings in order to try and retire early. However, the biggest question remains – Where is the best country to retire to? We’ve looked at several of the key factors that make a country ideal for retirement; Housing, Healthcare and the Cost of Living. We then take an average score based on these 3 factors to find out what country really is the best to spend your retirement.
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10. Vietnam
A stunningly beautiful entry at number 10 of top countries for retirement. Officially called the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, it is the easternmost country on the Southeast Asian Peninsula. Will almost 100 million inhabitants (2018 census), it is the 15th most populated country in the world. Hanoi is the main capital city and the most popular location for ex-pats. Since the reunification in 1986, Vietnam has enjoyed dramatic GDP growth rate. Along with modern economic and political reforms these have helped develop and maintain the standards demanded by the modern world. Many people choose to relocate to Vietnam due to the low cost of living and it’s geographical location as an excellent base for traveling.
9. France
France, or officially the French Republic, consists of 18 integral regions. It spans almost 250,000 square miles, with a population of over 67 million (2019 census). As host to the 5th largest number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites, it is a leading tourist destination, with almost 100 million foreign visitors a year. Ranking high in terms of education, health care and life expectancy, the only downfall is the cost of living and availability of middle class housing. However, with southern climates to match it’s Asian counterparts, it’s no surprise France is the 9th most popular destination for retirees. Did we also mention the wine?! The wine alone is enough to put it in our top 10 countries for retirement.
8. Spain
Spain was always going to be on the top 10 of any places to visit, nevermind retire. Viewed as the traditional “place in the sun” Spain offers fantastic healthcare and cost of living. It’s only downfall being the cost and availability of affordable housing. With an area of 200,000 square miles it boasts a range of warm climates to suit any and every retirement need. In fact, the majority of our ex-pat moves are to Spain, so it’s not just one of our top countries for retirement, but a place where you make a new life.
7. Malaysia
Located in Southeast Asia, with 13 states and 3 federal territories, Malaysia is home to to over 30 million people. With an average year round temperature of 82 degree Fahrenheit, Malyasia is the perfect destination for those looking to retire somewhere hot. Featuring over 878 islands with traditional white-sand beaches, there really is no other location that offers the climate and cost of living that Malyasia offers.
6. Ecuador
Did you know Ecuador offers half-price airline tickets for pensioners? That’s just one of the reasons many people choose to take their retirement in Ecuador. With a climate that hardly varies, you don’t need to worry about having a full compliment of clothes, as it’s always shorts and t-shirt weather!
Quito is Ecuador’s capital, located in the north of the country, and home to 2.5 million residents. 20 years ago, Ecuador would never have made this list. However, since the new constitution was introduced in 2008, poverty decreased from almost 40% down to 22.5%. Not only this but the annual capita GDP more than doubled from 0.6% over the past 2 decades, to a much more encouraging 1.5%. If you’re looking for a country on the way up as one of countries for retirement, you can’t go wrong with Ecuador.